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Contact us


- Be sure to read our FAQ page here - there is a wealth of information available when you click through here.

- Visit our Who We Are page here to contact event leaders with questions related to an event you're registered for/would like to register for.

- General Backcountry Women inquires? We'd love to hear from you! Here's what to expect:

  • We aim to respond to all inquiries within 5 business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
  • To keep our focus on providing amazing experiences, we kindly ask that your message is:
  • Respectful and courteous.
  • Focused on getting information or sharing constructive feedback.
  • While we're passionate about collaboration, our resources are currently very limited. We can't respond to most collaboration requests at this time.

Thank you for your support!

Backcountry Women Contact Form

Connect with our community

  • Did you know we have an active community forum on our Facebook group you can access for FREEJoin us here.
  • We're also on Instagram. To see what we've been up to, visit our profile!
  • Be sure to also check out one of our upcoming events!

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