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  • Hiking with Confidence Course

Hiking with Confidence Course

  • Sun, June 11, 2023
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Birds Hill Provincial Park
  • 3


  • For membership info, see our Memberships page

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Hiking with Confidence empowers you to learn all about hiking safely and responsibly, while in a welcoming environment with other like minded individuals from the Backcountry Women community through a full day course. For newer hikers and also those who want to upgrade their foundation of skills, our courses offer the opportunity to build up essential knowledge for your journey into self-sufficiency in the outdoors.

Backcountry Women is here to support your journey starting where you're at so that you can build towards being be the most prepared and confident hiker you can be. Our course is being delivered by Backcountry Women's Founder Ashley Moore (an Outdoor Council of Canada certified Field Leader) and members of our Advocate team! We are excited to offer this course to be able to share our wealth of hiking and backcountry experience with everyone. 

This course will dive into topics including preparedness, planning, safety, goals and motivations, gear choices and selection, as well as provide our own tips and tricks. It provides the opportunity for engaging discussions where participants can share their personal experiences. We provide a variety of hands-on learning opportunities (such as basic map use, fire building, water purification, shelter set up; note that topics covered are based on available timeframe). Expect to go on a short hike to round out the day.

Course note - some overlapping topics are involved in our Hiking and Backpacking courses. We recommend you take one or the other, depending on your interests and experience level relative to the outdoors. Reach out if you would like to discuss!

Please read on for full details!

Time & location:

  • The course begins promptly at 8:30 am. The duration is approximately 8-9 hours - but it's important to note that the time allocated needs to be flexible in order to cover course content, and can be unpredictable due to factors such as weather and group dynamics
  • Birds Hill Provincial Park - check your emails for confirmation of exact location details.

Further instructions and important information will be emailed out to participants. Check your confirmation and reminder emails.

Participant Expectations: Students are expected to participate 100% in this course. Students are responsible for their transportation, and personal items including food, park pass and equipment throughout the course.

NOTE: You do not need to own the best gear so all you're required to bring is what you have. We do not encourage you go out and buy stuff unnecessarily (new or used). We will discuss a variety of options that you can try and ask about. This information will be useful to inform any of your potential future purchasing decisions related to gear.

Students must be able to hike comfortably for a short distance to participate. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

What is Provided: Students receive a pre-course email with a packing list to prepare you for the day, and any other relevant details. We also provide our Guidebook in print form which is a wealth of information for your reference. Your course instructors includes an Outdoor Council of Canada certified Field Leader (with Hiking, Winter, Paddling, and Overnight certifications). For education purposes during the course, we use a diverse set of equipment you can become familiar with (including tarps, fire starting materials, water filters, backcountry stoves, etc.).

We very much look forward to spending the day together at our course! 

    Further details will be provided to registered participants. Participants are responsible for having a valid e-mail address, communicating with the event organizer regarding any changes in attendance, and for checking e-mail prior to an event.

    This event allows cancellation no less than 14 days before start of event. If you are no longer able to attend, please see our Cancellation Policy.

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